Tuesday 20 March 2012

Red Sky At Night

A fantastic sunset over Durham in the March skies. Weather systems typically move from west to east, and red clouds result when the sun shines on their undersides at either sunrise or sunset. At these two times of day, the sun's light is passing at a very low angle through a great thickness of atmosphere, the result of which is the scattering out of most of the shorter wavelengths, the greens, blues and violets of the visible spectrum, and so sunlight is heavy at the red end of the spectrum. So in order to see red clouds in the evening, sunlight must have a clear path from the west in order to illuminate moisture-bearing clouds off to the east. So from this we have the saying .
Red sky at night sheperds delight,
Red sky in the morning sheperds warning.

Many versions appear of this saying from in the Bible and even  Shakespeare, in his poem Venus and Adonis

Like a red morn that ever yet betokened,
Wreck to the seaman, tempest to the field,
Sorrow to the sheperds, woe unto the birds,
Gusts and foul flaws to herdman and to herds.

While you are here why not have a look at Period Cottage Interiors just follow the Link        http://www.periodcottageinteriors.co.uk/  

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