Sunday 15 January 2012

Remember To Feed The Birds

When we have a hard frost remember our feathered friends, as they do struggle at this time of year. Why not make your own feeder by foraging for a nice fir cone still attatched to a little branch. Melt some full fat shredded suet in a pan, when melted add some mixed wild bird seed. As the mixture begins to cool dip the fir cone in the bird seed mixture with the help of the suet the bird seed will stick to the cone. Place on a baking tray until cold then tie up onto a tree with garden twine, making sure you will be able to see all of your visiting birds from the comfort of your home. Hopefully I will be able to follow up these pictures with one of a bird enjoying the feast, possible a great tit or a robin although we do have a regular visits from a woodpecker.

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