Sunday 1 April 2012

Common Toad Warms Up

The common toad or European toad. The spieces found in northern Europe is Bufo bufo bufo. As we move into spring the and it begins to warm up in County Durham the toad begins to make its move, and think about finding some food this normaly occurs at dusk and consists of woodlice,slugs,beetles, caterpilars worms and even small mice. Having no teeth, it swallows the mice whole with a series of gulps. These tasty meals helps the toad to grow to about 15cm in length with the female being a little larger. The toad usually moves by walking rather slowly or in short shuffling jumps. Any day now our toad will make off for the pond where he was born converging with many other males he will be there for several weeks before the females arrive although the females will just stay long enough to mate and spawn. The small tadpoles will hatch in about two to three weeks. Oh one important thing it has been long been said that if you touch a toad you will then have warts. I feel it is now time to put the record straight this is not true, warts are caused by the papillomavirus or shaking hands with a witch.

So as long as you are able to stay away from the witches why not have a look at Period Cottage Interiors just follow the  Link

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